A new threat students face today is in the form of AI-generated “nudify” apps. Teens are finding out their nudes are being spread around school — even though they never even took them. And it’s all because nudify AI apps are being used to digitally unclothe them.
Our kids face a lot of new challenges that we didn’t have in our childhoods, but this one is particularly novel and worrisome. Today we’re going to cover the most important questions regarding nudify AI apps, including how they work and why they’re so concerning. We hope this serves as a helpful resource for parents to be equipped against the potential dangers their kids face online.
How Do Nudify AI Apps Work?
Just like with any AI app or website, the process is wildly simple. All you have to do is upload a picture or video to a nudify app and the AI does the rest. There are now thousands of nudify apps out there, but some of the more popular ones include Clothoff and Undress.app.
In the last year, there have been roughly 30 known incidents of kids using nudify apps across the U.S. The victims are typically female students who have posted completely normal, innocent photos of themselves on their personal social media. These photos get saved and downloaded into the nudify app. Inevitably, once the nude images are created, they appear in group chats, texts, Snapchat, and all of the other digital platforms kids use to message each other.
What Are the Risks?
The fallout for students who have AI-generated nudes leaked can be devastating. Even though the images aren’t real, they can still hurt their reputation and cause anxiety about who might end up seeing them. When these images are created without someone’s consent (which is almost always the case), it makes the victim feel out of control and objectified. Sadly, students who face this sort of harassment are more likely to struggle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.
Additionally, any child involved in the creation or sharing of this content can get in legal trouble for possessing CSAM (child sexual abuse material). The laws on this vary state by state, but there’s no question that nude images of minors — even if created with AI — are pornographic content.
What Should I Do If This Happens to My Child?
The first thing to do if your child finds themself a victim of a nudify app is to support them and make sure they know you will advocate for them in whatever way needed. Ask them how they are emotionally handling it and make sure they know they’re not to blame for what happened.
The next step will be to contact your child’s school and the local authorities. At this time, many schools don’t yet have a clear policy on AI-generated nudes, and law enforcement may be limited in their course of action. As with any situation involving the internet, once the photos or videos begin circulating, it can be difficult to trace them back to the original perpetrator(s). It’s even more difficult to control the spread of the content, as anyone can easily save and screenshot it.
We also recommend utilizing NCMEC’s Take it Down resource, which is a program dedicated to removing nude images of minors from the internet. You can also report it to their CyberTipline for further assistance.
How Should I Talk to My Child About Nudify AI Apps?
Education and open conversation can go a long way when it comes to online safety, even for something like this where there isn’t much you can do to prevent it. Consider asking your child questions about AI and how they think it should be used responsibly. Also, ask them if nudes have ever been spread around their school before and what they think about it.
Starting with these questions can help you gauge their understanding of these issues and educate them on the risks accordingly. Be sure they know the potential consequences of using AI in this way and that if they find themselves in a situation like this (either as the victim or if someone sends them a nude), they are safe to talk to you about it first.
How Bark Can Help?
We know that keeping up with all the potential dangers of the online world for your child can be difficult, and even feel like a full-time job. That’s why Bark’s content monitoring was designed to help parents stay in the know about their children’s online activities with the least amount of hassle possible. Bark will scan your child’s texts, photos, browsing, and 30+ apps looking for harmful content, such as sexual content, bullying, predation, and more. If anything is detected, you’ll be sent an alert so you can address it right away.
Bark offers a variety of products that help parents protect their kids online, including the Bark app, the Bark Watch, the Bark Phone, and the Bark Home. Check out our products page to find out which one is the best fit for your family.
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Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.