Bark vs Canopy

Compare the Features

Bark vs. Canopy
Location tracking
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Check your child’s location in real time on a map.

Receive location alerts when child arrives or leaves pre-set locations.

Get your child’s exact location with check-ins.
GPS map allows real-time location tracking.
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Block specific sites and apps or choose from 18 categories, including adult content, gaming, and streaming sites.
Block websites and apps and choose whether or not they’re filtered for sexual content.
Screen time
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Set custom rules for school time, bedtime, and free time.
Set limits on screen time by creating daily or weekly rules for when your child can go online.
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Bark scans text messages, emails, photos, videos, and 30+ apps and social media platforms for 18 categories including sexual content, bullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, and more.
Canopy uses artificial intelligence to scan, detect, and eliminate explicit content on web browsers and apps.
Alerts for inappropriate images
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Alerts are sent for inappropriate images in texts, apps, and social media.
If it detects a risky photo, Canopy immediately prevents your child from accessing or sharing it until it is deleted or reviewed by you, the parent.
Alerts for sexual content across multiple platforms and forms of communication
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Alerts are sent for both explicit images and words in text messages, photos, videos, emails, and 30+ social media platforms and apps.
Currently, Canopy monitors all Internet browsing (including images, text, videos, and URLs), all photos taken on or downloaded to Android devices, and most photos taken on or downloaded to iOS devices. Canopy does not currently scan text messages, emails, phone calls, content within non-browser apps, or videos taken on your child’s device.
Alerts for cyberbullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, and more
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Bark monitors 18 different types of potential issues, including bullying, suicidal ideation, depression, online predators, drug/alcohol use, and more.
Currently only alerts for sexual content and porn.
Image removal & image blocking
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Bark doesn’t remove content, but will send you an alert for concerning content.
Removes images and replaces them with a white square in web browsers. Blocks concerning images from child’s device and alerts parents. Sends parents a copy of a potential sext for review.
Add unlimited devices and kids
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Just $99/year to protect your entire family and all their devices.
3 devices: $7.99/month. 5 devices: $9.99/month. 10 devices: $15.99/month.

With Bark, you can:

Monitor content

Manage screen time

Block websites

Track location

Pricing & Details

  • Monitor texts, email, YouTube, and 30+ apps and platforms
  • Monitor web searches and saved photos & videos
  • Receive parental monitoring alerts for issues like cyberbullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, and more
  • Get insights into your child’s digital activities
  • Learn how to address issues with child-psychologist advice and tips
  • Manage screen time
  • Block website and apps
  • Keep up with kids with location alerts and check-ins
$ 14 /mo USD

Bark vs Canopy FAQs

Can you compare Bark vs Canopy?

Of course! This comparison chart shows exactly how Bark is a more comprehensive tool for families than Canopy. To summarize, Bark offers more rigorous website blocking features, allows you to create screen time rules, and much more!

Bark vs Canopy: Which offers better website blocking?

Bark offers more comprehensive website blocking. Canopy lets you block some sites on Android devices, but Bark lets you block any app or website on iPhones, Androids, and more! Get all the details here.

For content monitoring, which is better: Bark vs Canopy?

Canopy only monitors content for one category (sexual content) and only for photos saved to your child’s device. Canopy does not scan text messages, emails, content within non-browser apps, or videos.

Bark monitors texts, emails, social media apps, and more for issues like cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, and online predators. You'll get alerts if we find something concerning so you can check in and make sure everything's okay.

Bark vs. Canopy

Ready to get started?

Bark was created by parents, for parents, to offer a better, easier, and more effective way to help families create healthy digital habits.