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App Overview

Is Kick The Buddy Remastered safe for kids? An honest Kick The Buddy Remastered review for parents.

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Updated February 16, 2023

App Overview

Kick The Buddy Remastered is a mobile app that is available on both Android and iOS platforms. It is a casual game where the player takes out their anger and frustration on a ragdoll character named Buddy. The objective of the game is to use different weapons and objects to inflict as much damage as possible on Buddy within a set time limit.

The app has received a lot of attention due to its violent and graphic nature. The game features realistic physics, so when weapons are used, they cause physical damage to the ragdoll character. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of guns, chainsaws, hammers, and other weapons to hit Buddy and cause him to bleed, burn, and more.

While the game is marketed as a stress-reliever, it is not recommended for children due to its violent content. The game is rated for mature audiences and is not suitable for children under the age of 17. It is important to note that the game also features in-app purchases, which can be dangerous for kids as they may unknowingly spend money on virtual items within the game.

Moreover, the game contains graphic and violent content, which can have a negative impact on children. It can desensitize children to violence and aggression, leading to an increase in aggressive behavior. Additionally, it can lead to a distorted perception of violence as something that is acceptable, funny, or normal. This can negatively impact a child's moral and ethical values and lead to a disregard for human life.

Moreover, the app features a chat function that allows players to communicate with each other. This can be dangerous for children as they may be exposed to inappropriate or harmful language or messages. Additionally, there is a risk of cyberbullying and online harassment, which can have a damaging impact on a child's mental health and well-being.

In conclusion, while Kick The Buddy Remastered may seem like a fun and harmless game, it is not suitable for children. The game's violent and graphic content can have a negative impact on a child's moral and ethical values and lead to an increase in aggressive behavior. Furthermore, the game's chat function and in-app purchases pose a risk to children's safety and well-being. Parents should be aware of these potential dangers and exercise caution when allowing their children to play the game.

Using Bark to Manage Screen Time

Bark lets you choose precisely how and when your child will use Kick The Buddy Remastered on their device — down to the exact minute. Set daily time limits or follow a schedule. This could look like “no Kick The Buddy Remastered during the school day” or “only 2 hours a day”

When it comes to online safety, Bark also lets you block websites and apps, create screen time schedules, and track location when your kid is out and about.

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