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Is Snapchat safe for kids? An honest Snapchat review for parents.

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Updated April 4, 2023

App Overview

Snapchat is a popular social media app that allows users to share pictures and short videos with friends. The app is particularly popular among teenagers and young adults, with many users spending hours each day sharing and viewing content.

While Snapchat is designed to be a fun and creative platform, there are some potential dangers associated with the app, particularly for children. One of the primary concerns is that children may be exposed to inappropriate content, such as photos or videos that contain nudity, violence, or sexual themes. Additionally, there is a risk that children may be exposed to online predators or bullies who use the app to target vulnerable individuals.

To help mitigate these risks, Snapchat has implemented a range of safety features designed to protect children while they use the app. For example, the app has a "snap map" feature that allows users to share their location with friends, but this can be turned off if a user doesn't want to share their location. Additionally, the app allows parents to set a limit on the amount of time their child can spend on the app each day.

The app also has a range of reporting and blocking features that allow users to flag inappropriate content or behavior and prevent certain users from interacting with them. Additionally, Snapchat has a team of moderators who review all content on the app to ensure that it meets their community guidelines.

Despite these safety features, there are still potential dangers associated with Snapchat that parents should be aware of. For example, there is a risk that children may share personal information on the app, such as their name, location, or phone number, which could be used by online predators or bullies to harm them.

To help mitigate these risks, parents should monitor their child's activity on the app, including the content they share and the interactions they have with other users. They should also educate their child about online safety, such as not sharing personal information with strangers and reporting any inappropriate behavior to a parent or moderator.

In conclusion, Snapchat can be a fun and creative platform for children and teenagers, but there are potential dangers associated with the app that parents should be aware of. By using the app in conjunction with other safety measures and having open communication with their child about online safety, parents can help ensure that their child has a positive experience while using the app.

Can Bark Monitor Snapchat?

Bark’s monitoring on Snapchat includes direct messages (texts only) on Android devices. Snapchat does not allow any third-party apps to monitor their content on iOS devices. We're continually working to be able to monitor Snapchat on iOS devices, in order to alert you to potential dangers like bullying, sexting, and predation.

Our full-length app review goes into even more detail if you still need help deciding if Snapchat is safe for your child!

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What Else Can Bark Do?

In addition to monitoring Snapchat, Bark also empowers you to set healthy boundaries with robust screen time limits. You can decide when exactly your child has access to the app. This could look like “only in the evenings”, “just for 30 minutes a day”, or “never” if you want to give them a break for a period of time.

Don’t forget — with Bark you can also block websites and track your child’s location when they’re roaming near and far.

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