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Is VSCO safe for kids? An honest VSCO review for parents.

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Updated April 4, 2023

App Overview

VSCO is a mobile app designed for photo and video editing, sharing, and discovery. It is popular among teenagers and young adults, as it provides advanced editing tools, filters, and effects to create high-quality content. VSCO also has a social component, allowing users to share their creations, follow other users, and explore the app's curated collections of images and videos.

Is VSCO safe for kids to use? Like most social media platforms, VSCO can pose certain risks to children and teenagers. Here are some of the potential dangers parents should be aware of:

Exposure to inappropriate content: While VSCO is primarily a creative platform, it still contains user-generated content that may be unsuitable for children. Parents should be aware that some users may post images and videos that are sexual, violent, or otherwise inappropriate. VSCO has community guidelines that prohibit such content, but it's not always easy to enforce them.

Cyberbullying: Like any social media platform, VSCO can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying. Children may be subjected to online harassment, trolling, or negative comments that can harm their self-esteem and mental health. Parents should encourage their kids to report any instances of bullying and to seek support if they feel overwhelmed.

Privacy concerns: VSCO collects personal information from its users, including their name, email address, and location. While the company claims to use this data only for the purpose of providing its services, there is always a risk of data breaches or hacks. Parents should educate their children about the importance of protecting their personal information online and encourage them to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication.

Addiction: VSCO, like many social media platforms, can be addictive. Children may spend too much time on the app, neglecting other activities such as homework, exercise, or socializing in person. Parents should monitor their kids' screen time and encourage them to take breaks from social media.

Overall, VSCO can be a fun and creative app for kids and teenagers to express themselves and connect with others who share their interests. However, parents should be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect their children. This may include setting age-appropriate limits on screen time, monitoring their kids' activity on the app, and discussing online safety and privacy issues with them.

Can Bark Monitor VSCO?

Bark’s monitoring includes the text chat feature of VSCO, which allows parents to receive alerts for things like predation, bullying, sexual content, and more.

Besides Bark’s monitoring, VSCO does not have many other parental control options to keep kids safe. Take a look at our tech guide to learn how to opt out of location sharing on your child’s VSCO images.

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Other Features of Bark

On top of monitoring VSCO, Bark puts you in the driver’s seat to decide when they can use it. For instance — if you want your child to use VSCO only an hour a day or on weekends, Bark gives you that ability. Plus, you can change the rules at any time if you need to make adjustments on the fly.

And because there’s more to online safety than just monitoring, Bark also lets you block websites and track your child’s location for peace of mind.

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