Introducing Contacts Mode for 24/7 Communication

The Bark Team  |  January 30, 2024

We’ve added a new Bark Phone feature that will help your child focus and concentrate throughout the day while still ensuring that you’re able to call them whenever you need.

Before, during bedtime and pause, phone calls were only allowed from emergency contacts. And during default rules and school time, you couldn't set it so that only emergency contacts could call your child — it was all or nothing.

In response to feedback from our users, now you can choose whether your child can call all approved contacts or only emergency contacts during particular routines (bedtime, school time, default rules, or all of them).

For example, to make sure Olivia focuses during school hours, you can limit her calls to only emergency contacts, so she can always reach you, while ensuring that she can’t call her friends until after the school day ends.