Bark app with Roblox app highlighted

Bark Now Monitors Roblox

The Bark Team  |  November 3, 2023

We’ve got great news! Bark can now monitor sent chats and content searches on Roblox for Android devices and the Bark Phone.

By monitoring sent chats, you can stay informed about who your child is communicating with and the nature of their conversations. Detecting potentially harmful content searches can help you identify any inappropriate searches, empowering you to address issues proactively. 

Roblox is one of the most popular games for kids in the world, and this new feature will help parents protect their kids while they’re playing. Roblox made nationwide news last week when a 13-year-old was abducted by a person she began talking to on the platform. 

Here at Bark, we believe in providing comprehensive solutions to help protect your children online and in real life. Our commitment to keeping kids safer online is unwavering, and we'll continue to adapt and enhance our services to meet the evolving needs of families like yours.