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App Overview

Is Twitter safe for kids? An honest Twitter review for parents.

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Mature 17+


News & Magazines

Updated July 20, 2023

App Overview

Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to post short messages, called "tweets," of up to 280 characters. Users can also follow other users and engage in conversations on the platform. The Twitter mobile app is a version of the platform that is designed for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It offers all of the same features as the desktop version, but with a mobile-friendly interface that is optimized for smaller screens.

Twitter can be a useful tool for staying informed about news and current events, connecting with like-minded individuals, and promoting personal or business interests. However, like all social media platforms, there are potential dangers associated with using Twitter, particularly for kids.

One of the primary concerns with Twitter is the risk of cyberbullying. Twitter can be a breeding ground for harassment, and kids who use the platform may be targeted by bullies or trolls. This can lead to negative emotional and psychological effects, and may even result in physical harm in extreme cases. Parents should monitor their children's use of Twitter and take steps to protect them from cyberbullying.

Another potential danger of Twitter is exposure to inappropriate content. The platform is open to anyone, and there is no way to filter out content that may be harmful or inappropriate for kids. Parents should talk to their children about appropriate online behavior and set guidelines for what types of content are acceptable to view and share on Twitter.

There is also a risk of kids being exposed to online predators on Twitter. These individuals may use the platform to groom and exploit vulnerable children. Parents should be vigilant about their children's interactions on Twitter and teach them about online safety, such as not sharing personal information with strangers and reporting any suspicious behavior to a trusted adult.

Twitter also has the potential to be addictive, particularly for kids who may be more susceptible to peer pressure and social validation. Parents should monitor their children's use of Twitter and set reasonable limits on screen time to ensure that they are not spending too much time on the platform to the detriment of other important activities such as schoolwork, exercise, and socializing in real life.

In terms of safety features, Twitter does have some tools that can help parents protect their children. For example, parents can set up a private account for their child that is only visible to approved followers. They can also use filters to block certain types of content or keywords that may be harmful or inappropriate for kids.

In conclusion, Twitter can be a useful tool for connecting with others and staying informed, but it is not without risks, particularly for kids. Parents should monitor their children's use of the platform, set guidelines for appropriate behavior, and take steps to protect them from cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online predators, and addiction. By being vigilant and proactive, parents can help their children use Twitter safely and responsibly.

Can Bark Monitor Twitter?

Yes! If your child uses Twitter, Bark would be able to monitor your child's direct messages. Considering the dangers Twitter can pose to kids — such as inappropriate content and cyberbullying — we recommend parents make an informed decision on whether or not their child should download it.

For more information than what’s listed here, take a look at our full-length Twitter app review about its features and safety for kids!

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What Else Can Bark Do?

In addition to monitoring Twitter, Bark also empowers you to set healthy boundaries with robust screen time limits. You can decide when exactly your child has access to the app. This could look like “only in the evenings”, “just for 30 minutes a day”, or “never” if you want to give them a break for a period of time.

Don’t forget — with Bark you can also block websites and track your child’s location when they’re roaming near and far.

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