How To Set Up Dish (Cable) Parental Controls
Learn how to set parental controls on your child’s Dish cable use.

This guide will show DISH satellite internet users exactly how to use all available tools for parents. It assumes that you have already set up the relevant DISH accounts. Below you will find parental control settings across multiple DISH devices from multiple points of access, including:
- DISH TV Receiver with 40.0 remote and 50.0/52.0/54.0 remote
- DISH Anywhere for phone, tablet, computer, Amazon Fire TV/Stick, and Android TV
Parental Controls on the DISH TV Receiver
Each receiver box in the home must be set with individual controls. Parents are able to restrict access to programs with certain ratings, block adult channels, and restrict the ability to purchase content. Steps vary based on which specific box you have.
In general, you will log in via the Home button on your remote and then select the Settings – Parental Controls option. Here, you can turn controls on or off, set your parental password, and choose individual controls to enable.
Here are detailed instructions for each type of DISH remote:
40.0 remote
- Press the MENU button.
- Select Settings.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Select your desired Parental Control preferences.
DISH also offers a TV Guardian feature. When enabled, the TV Guardian will block specific language that is spoken on the audio or written in the closed captioning. A TV Guardian logo will appear on the bottom-right corner of your screen when something is blocked.
To enable TV Guardian on a 40.0 remote:
- Press the MENU button.
- Select Apps.
- Select TV Guardian.
- Select TV GUARDIAN FILTER level.
- If desired, select Additional Sub-Filters.
- If desired, select Edit in the CC MODE box.
- Select your desired CC Mode Option.
50.0/52.0/54.0 remote
- Press the HOME button twice.
- Select Settings.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Select your desired parental control preferences.
To enable TV Guardian on a 50.0/52.0/54.0 remote:
- Press the HOME button twice.
- Select Apps.
- Select TV Guardian.
- Select TV GUARDIAN FILTER level.
- If desired, select Additional Sub-Filters.
- If desired, select Edit in the CC MODE box.
- Select your desired CC Mode Option.
Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

Parental Controls With DISH Anywhere
DISH Anywhere is a service that allows customers to access television programming via their mobile device or computer. Parental controls set on the receiver do not transfer to this service, so each device must have parental controls activated. Below is detailed information on how to change settings for each type of device: Phone, Tablet, Computer, Amazon Fire TV/Stick, and Android TV.
DISH Anywhere for a phone
First, you’ll need to download the DISH Anywhere app onto your phone. You’ll need to enter your DISH Online ID and password so be sure you have those handy.
Next, you’ll need to create a passcode. The settings and the passcode can be different from what is set on your DISH receiver.
- Select More.
- Select Settings.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Select Create Passcode.
- Enter your desired four-digit passcode.
- Re-enter your desired four-digit passcode.
- Select OK to confirm your passcode has been created.
- Select your desired security question.
- Enter the answer to your selected security question.
- Re-enter the answer to your selected security question.
- Select OK to confirm your security question has been added.
If you need to change your passcode in the future:
- Select More.
- Select Settings.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Enter your current four-digit passcode.
- Select Change Passcode.
- Enter your new four-digit passcode.
- Re-enter your new four-digit passcode.
- Select OK to confirm your passcode has been changed.
To customize your settings:
- Select More.
- Select Settings.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Enter your current four-digit passcode.
- Select TV Ratings or Movie Ratings to set restrictions.
- Select which ratings will require the parental control passcode to view.
- Select Save.
DISH Anywhere for a tablet
First, you’ll need to download the DISH Anywhere app onto your tablet. You’ll need to enter your DISH Online ID and password, so be sure to have those handy.
Next, you’ll need to create a passcode. The settings and the passcode can be different from what is set on your DISH receiver.
- Select the SETTINGS icon.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Select Create Passcode.
- Enter your desired passcode.
- Re-enter your desired passcode.
- Select OK.
- Swipe to and select your desired security question.
- Enter your desired answer.
- Re-enter your desired answer.
- Select Save.
- Select your desired Parental Control preferences.
If you need to change your passcode in the future:
- Select the SETTINGS icon.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Enter your passcode.
- Select Change Passcode.
- Enter your desired passcode, then re-enter to confirm.
- Select OK to confirm the passcode was changed successfully.
To customize your settings:
- Select the SETTINGS icon.
- Select Parental Controls.
- If necessary, enter your passcode.
- Select your desired settings.
- Select Save.
DISH Anywhere for a computer
Go to and log in with your username and password to create a parental controls passcode. To set up your passcode:
- Hover over the current profile.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Select your desired Security Question.
- Type the answer to the Security Question in the Answer and Confirm Answer fields.
- Enter your desired four-digit passcode into the Passcode and Confirm Passcode fields.
- Select Activate Parental Controls.
If you need to change your passcode:
- Hover over the current profile.
- Select Parental Controls.
- Type in your passcode and select Submit Passcode.
- Select Change Passcode.
- Enter your passcode into the Current Passcode field.
- Enter your desired new passcode into the New Passcode and Confirm New Passcode fields.
To customize your parental control settings:
- Hover over the current profile.
- Select Parental Controls.
- If applicable, enter your passcode and select Submit Passcode.
- Select your desired Parental Control preferences.
- Select Update Parental Controls.
DISH Anywhere for Amazon Fire TV/Stick and Android TV
To set up the Parental controls for DISH Anywhere on a smart TV, you’ll need to start by downloading the app (or if you’re lucky enough to be in a hotel room where the app is already installed). You will need your DISH online ID and password in order to log in.
Next, you need to create a passcode for your parental controls. Here’s how:
- Select the SETTINGS icon.
- Highlight Parental Controls.
- Enter your desired passcode.
- Re-enter your desired passcode.
- Select OK to confirm the new passcode was successfully created.
To change the passcode for your parental controls:
- Select the SETTINGS icon.
- Highlight Parental Controls.
- Enter your current passcode.
- Enter your new passcode.
- Re-enter your new passcode.
- Select OK to confirm the new passcode was successfully created.
To customize your parental control settings for a Amazon Fire TV/Stick & Android TV:
- Select the SETTINGS icon.
- Highlight Parental Controls.
- If applicable, enter your passcode.
- Select your desired settings.
- Select Save Changes.
Helpful Resources for Families
Here are some awesome tools to help families navigate raising kids in the digital age!
All-in-One Parental Control Guide
Your go-to list of parental controls for devices, apps, games, and more.
Bark's Parenting Facebook Group
Bark’s Parenting in a Tech World Facebook group has over 190k members.

Bark — The Parental Control Solution
In addition to setting parental controls on your child’s device, the next safety layer parents and caregivers should strongly consider is a monitoring solution to assess the content their kids encounter (and produce) across text messages, social media, email, and more.
Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s entire online worlds. Our award-winning service monitors 30+ of the most popular apps and social media platforms for signs of issues like cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, online predators, threats of violence, and more. Our web filtering and screen time management tools empower families to set healthy limits around the sites and apps their kids can access and when they can visit them. Sign up today to start your free, one-week trial.